Broomstick Quilters and Stitchers
Broomstick Quilters and Stitchers
We are a small group who do patchwork and quilting, and also enjoy all other needlecrafts
We meet on the:
2nd Saturday of every month 10 am to 2.30 pm

In the past we have made heart cushions for the Breast Care Unit at the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital.
These cushions help to give support to patients who have had surgery for breast cancer.
We make quilts for Project Linus whose mission is to provide quilts and blankets for babies, children and teenagers who are sick, disabled, disadvantaged or distressed. This is a worldwide organisation but we make primarily for the children in crisis in Norfolk.
As well as the items produced for charity, we also have our own projects and so far as a group we have made sampler quilts and used a variety of techniques to make bags, cushions, Christmas items, etc
Although we like the group to be a social event, we welcome members who wish to use sewing machines.
If you would like any further information please contact:
Margaret Smith Tel: 07594 615 166 Email: