Contact Details and Booking Enquiry Form

To contact us you can use the form below
For Bookings you can send an initial enquiry, or call the
Booking Secretary, Ruth Gooch on 07788 534 870
For all other general matters please use the form below, or
e-mail the Temporary Treasurer, Ruth Gooch at
For Website matters, contact the Website Editor
or call Jon Gooch on 07808 858 300
Our postal address is:-
Garvestone & Thuxton Village Hall
Dereham Road, Garvestone,
NORWICH, Norfolk, NR9 4AD
Please note: The hall is run by volunteers who give up their time freely in order to offer the village hall facilities for the community. You may therefore find that a reply will not necessarily be immediate.
For more urgent contact, please use the relevant mobile number above.