Local Contacts and other Village Organisations
St Margaret's Church Garvestone
St Paul's Church Thuxton
Church Contact: Dot Leeder Tel:01362 850 358
Church Ministry Team
Rector: Rev. Dr. Tim Weatherstone Tel:01362 858 021
The Rectory
E-mail: rector@groupof15.org.uk
Website: www.groupof15.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bbuy2020
Twitter: twitter.com/groupof15
Garvestone Methodist Church
Methodist Minister, Rev’d Anne Richardson Tel: 01362 695582
Email: anne.richardson@methodist.org.uk
Contact: Mr Andrew Durrant. Tel:01362 858 033
Waterloo Caravan, Tanners Green, Garvestone, Norwich, NR9 4QS

Knit & Natter
Garvestone Methodist Church
2nd Tuesday of each month, 10.30am - 12 noon
We are a friendly group of women, and men, who like to knit.
Some crochet or sew and we all natter! Some only natter!
We do our own knitting. All abilities meet here.
Some knit to an advanced level while others do easier knitting.
Help is at hand for learning and tricky problems.
We support charities, knitting blankets for the Faulkner Trust which supports a community in Zambia and we knit hats for the Christmas boxes appeal.
We are based at the chapel and also sometimes meet in private houses.
Refreshments are delicious and free.
You are very welcome to join us.
If you would like to join us, since there are restrictions on numbers and distancing, please ring Lorna Folkes 01362 858391 for more information.

Parish News
Barnham Broom & Upper Yare Group News
This is a monthly magazine published by The Barnham Broom & Upper Yare Group of Churches, which includes Garvestone & Thuxton.
It is managed, edited and distributed by volunteers.
Editor: Jane Howard
E-mail: editor@groupof15.org.uk
Advertising: Mr Francis Woodcock
E-mail: groupnewstreasurer@groupof15.org.uk
Distribution: Christine & Ivan Revell-Burrows Tel: 01603 759 695
E-mail: ivanrb@btinternet.com
Garvestone Community
Primary School
Headteacher: Michelle Farnan
School Office/Admin
Garvestone Community Primary School
Dereham Road
Tel: 01362 850 315
Part of the Unity Education (Multi Academy) Trust

School P.E. session in the village hall
Garvestone Reymerston & Thuxton Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Samantha Bromley
Tel: 07955 161 467
E-mail: garvestoneclerk@gmail.com