Massage Treatment
Massage Treatments are not on a fixed timetable.
Individual Sessions are available with our resident practitioner Jonathan Dance. Details are given below.

Massage & Bodywork
Massage Therapy and Bodywork involves the application of therapeutic touch by pressure, strokes and gentle mobilisation to muscles and joints throughout the body. The overall aim is to help relieve everyday stresses, aid sleep and relaxation and generally promote sense of wellbeing and ease within the body.
A session usually lasts 60 minutes but may be extended to 90 minutes if so desired. A treatment commonly includes a pre-treatment assessment, agreement on areas to be worked and outcomes and post treatment client care which may include exercise and self massage suggestions to be done at home to supplement work done within clinic.
Treatment is often performed using a table but may include standing and movement work. Ideally, clients remove some clothing to uncover the area to be worked on, however clients remain covered with towels and drapes throughout. For your session, it is usually recommended to change into shorts and t-shirt.
Fees for a 60-minute session is £40. Gift vouchers to any value can be provided which are ideal for birthday, Christmas and other celebration and thankyou presents.
Treatments are by prior appointment only and are generally available Wednesday to Friday 10am through to 7pm.
Jonathan Dance is an experienced bodyworker, practicing since 2006 with an interest in postural issues. As a qualified massage instructor, Jonathan regularly works with other therapists by running seminars and short courses to promote better massage practice and understanding.
For more information on booking sessions, gift certificates and more, contact Jonathan directly on 01362 685490 or