Recent History
Volunteers Supper 2nd December 2024
A wonderful complimentary evening was enjoyed by around 45 people, all of whom help in some way or another with running of the village hall.

Saturday 4th November 2023 was a great night
Nearly 70 people spent the evening singing, dancing or just listening to the great sounds of Midnight Sun. A wonderful group who really got the party feeling going.
Songs from the 60's / 70's to the present day, but all good listening and with an enthusiastic bunch of dancers on the floor for most of the evening, it was a real party atmosphere. Money raised is going towards the upkeep of the hall's equipment. We are very grateful to Midnight Sun for performing free of charge to help us in our fundraising.
The bar was busy too and everyone felt we should have another visit from Midnight Sun before too long - Watch this space!

Working Party September 2023
On a fine autumn day, fourteen people arrived to help tidy the car park and entrance area around the hall.
In return, they received free tea or coffee and chance to share some time with fellow locals. It was a lovely morning and the improvement in the look of the pathways and gravelled area was fabulous.
Thank you to all those who came along

Coronation Weekend May 2023

On Friday afternoon 5th May a Tea Party was held for all the School Children who each received a Coronation Beaker

On Sunday 7th May The Coronation Big Lunch was followed by games, a Tug O'War competition and a Big Raffle

Jubilee Fayre 2nd June 2022

Parish Council Quiz Night January 2023

Seven Teams of four people enjoyed an evening of questions based on a Royal and Norfolk themes.
'The Undecided' won by a small margin, but every one learned a few obscure facts.
All enjoyed a Ploughman's Supper too and the event raised £125.00 for the DEC Ukrainian Appeal.
Tenth +1 Anniversary Party

Saturday 16th April 2022
Although our Village Hall opened on this day in 2011 we were unable to celebrate our Tenth Anniversary in 2021 due to Covid restrictions.
We therefore held our
Tenth +1 Anniversary Party one year on.
These pictures record a small but happy celebration attended by many of those who were part of the story of the building of our village hall.
As part of the celebration the main hall was named the Elizabeth Buckley Hall in recognition of the major role played by Liz over recent years.
Liz was present to unveil the sign, although she emphasised the fact that she was one of a great team that worked so hard to achieve the goal.